Welcome to Vector Productions

Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Ok, so it's been awhile since I've posted here, or really done much in the ways of Gunpla period it seems.  The last post I made about projects was for my PG 00 Raiser, well I finished that model (the Gundam itself, haven't done the 0 Raiser and won't for some time) and it was pretty good but I was disappointed with certain aspects and gimmicks of the kit, but I'll do more on that later.

Mostly, since then, I've assembled my MG Epyon Gundam, and I'm currently in the process of flat coating the model with Alclad II Flat, a new airbrush top coat I heard about and am so far really fond of.  That model should be done in the next week and I'll try to get a review up of my thoughts on the kit.  In the meantime I've also assemble my first Real Grade, the RG Freedom Gundam.  Good kit, amazing detail and everything for being 1/144, I realize I'm a couple years behind on the RG line, but I thought the Freedom was a good first one to go with.  I also dug out and flat coated my old RX-78-2 MG, the first MG btw, 1995!  I'll post pictures of that kit soon with my thoughts on it's...innovation of it's time, yeah that's a good way to spin it.

Ok that's about it for this post, announcing a revival of my favorite hobby, Gunpla!  One more thing before I go, this will be coming soon in the pipeline, once I clear out my current floating projects...