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A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

RG Destiny Gundam: Review

The Real Grade Destiny Gundam is the second RG kit that I've gotten around to building, and I really don't have a lot of complaints to say about it.  Design wise, it is a very good update to the Destiny model, even more detailed than the MG.  The only complaint I have in this department, and is the common one, is that the feet are way bigger than they should be...and I can't really see a reason why they are so huge.  It's something that could be easily modified with some sanding or perhaps the use of a rotary tool, but it didn't bother me enough to go that far.  These are my thoughts on this kit.  All painting was done with an airbrush.

The frame, which is the same one used on the RG Freedom, is excellent and had no problems with it at all.  Having built the MG Destiny "Extreme Blast" version a few years back, I was a fan of it's silvery frame it had and I decided to try and make something similar to that on the RG.  I was nervous about painting the premade frame of the Real Grade but in the end it turned out great and didn't effect it's movement at all.  I painted it with Tamiya paints and it was a mixture of their gunmetal and and chrome silver which resulted in a nice sparkling silver effect.  It was then sealed in Alclad II aqua gloss.

The head is very nicely detailed, with the vulcans actually being part of the internal part of it's construction and stick out of the armor.  The torso and waist are equally well detailed and have very nice color separation  on them, which is trademark among the Real Grade line.  The legs have excellent articulation and can pull off a 90 degree bend with ease.  The knee armor also becomes exposed as the leg bends.  There are also two tones of grey on the legs.  The arms are about the same, articulation wise and and in coloring.  The kit comes with 7 hands: 2 closed, 2 posable, 2 open palm, and 1 posed to hold the rifle.  On a side note, cats apparently love these little hand accessories so don't do what I did and leave them sitting around while you go to work....they will either be gone or in pieces like mine.

As for weapons it comes with everything you'd expect.  The anti-ship sword, launcher gun, beam rifle, 2 boomerangs, shield, and an abundance of beam effect parts.  All weapons fit perfectly in the hands.  It also comes with a beam energy shield, that is molded in clear plastic rather than a clear blue as it should be.  I painted mine with some clear blue paint however, this is going to be my one true complaint about this kit.  The High Grade Destiny, that came out in 2005 came with a clear blue colored beam shield.  If an HG from 8 years prior can come with a colored shield then why can a 2013 Real Grade...  For those not wanting to try and paint it, it does come with stickers to put on the shield to make it blue, but as I have a hatred for stickers I refused to use them.  It also stands and a bit of a cop-out on Bandai's part.

Lastly is the Wings of Light expansion set available for limited release through Bandai Online Hobby division.  An increasingly growing trend for Gunpla, this online exclusive comes with the pair of pink wing effect parts as well as a custom dark clear Action Base 2 for the Destiny, a very nice touch.  The wings are wonderfully colored and I love the way they look. aside from the fact that the mold of them just looks sorta off, but it's a minor issue.  The only issue I really have here, is really the same on I have with the RG Destiny's beam shield, in that the HG kit from 05' came with these wings, standard.  As well as a display stand...

All in all, the RG Destiny Gundam is an amazing kit and one of my favorites builds of 2013.  The decals that I bought for the kit look really nice on it I think, water-slide decals are really the only way to go!  All of the armor was coated in a flat finish to give it a nice look.  Also, all pieces were painted except for the grey/white parts.  I would recommend this kit to anyone who likes the Destiny Gundam for sure, and those who are fans of Real Grades.  I had no problems with the side skirts falling off as has been an issue with some of the earlier RG kits.  Here are some images of my final product, hope you enjoy them.

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