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Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

MG 1/100 Gundam X Announcement!

I don't normally post about new kit releases but for this one I can't help it.  Master Grade Gundam X, to be released this coming January!  Now I'm not a huge X fan, but I love the Double X Gundam and getting this means there's a good chance of the DX coming sometime.  The biggest thing here is, this was the only Gundam series left that didn't have any Master Grade kits at all (excluding the new Build Fighters...) and it's a line that a very large amount of people have wanted for quite some time now.  So on this night, we thank you Bandai for finally releasing a brand new MG that we can all enjoy!

RG Destiny: WIP Part 4

Alright, this will be the final work in progress for the RG Destiny Gundam.  All I've got left to do is flat coating the weapons, which was going to happen tonight but I spent most of the night assembling the body and wings.  I'll be doing that tomorrow though and will finish the kit tomorrow night/Saturday morning.