Welcome to Vector Productions

Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ZGMF-X15A Independence Gundam (MG Wing Gundam ver.KA custom build)

Here it is, the model I've put the most work into, way back in 2005 I believe is when I made this.  It's mostly the MG Wing Gundam ver.KA, however it has the head of the MG God Gundam and the right side-skirt has been modified with the beam sword off the 1/100 Epyon Gundam.  It's been a long time since I made this and now that the kit has been re-released as well as there being a MG Epyon now, I plan to redo this project.  Even so, this is still my most beloved model.  Gonna break this out of storage here soon and take some knew pics.

VFMS-X15A Indpendence Gundam Kai (MG Wing Gundam custom build)

While not my first custom gundam model I've made, it is one that I like a lot even though it's a simple recolor of the MG Wing Gundam.  This is a unit that is in my fanfic, which I'm in the process of making and posting pages on the Gundam Fanon Wiki; which by the way is an excellent site for creating your own articles about gundam!  More pics another time.


Ok, so I'm finally getting around to doing this, not that many people will see it I'm sure but hey, what the hell right.  My intent here is to post pictures and things related to gunpla projects that I have done in the past and/or am currently working on.  And here and there I may post news about upcoming things Gundam related (for the most part...)  I've been a fan of Gundam ever since Gundam Wing first aired in the U.S. back in 2000, actually a couple week prior to that I was in Toys R'Us and saw models of the first Wing Gundam and that they were too cool to pass up.  For the last 12 years now (wow really?) I've watched almost every Gundam anime, read some manga, done cosplay at conventions, and spent more money on gunpla than I think I wanna know.  One of my friends and I even went so far as to create our own expanded universe of gundam based on the Gundam SEED timeline.  I've learned a lot about gunpla over the years, and if I ever dig out my first models and post them versus my newer stuff, you can see it.  Anyways, I hope someone will enjoy what they see here and perhaps even take an interest in gunpla themselves!