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Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

1/100 Zaku Warrior Custom

This is an old kit, I believe I built it in 2005 or so...  Anyways I've decided to do some touch ups on it and then I'm going to give it a gloss top coat to seal it away.  This was the Lunamaria Gunner Zaku Warrior that I repainted in red.  I was originally planning to just repaint the entire kit with an airbrush this time, however the original paint job has held up fairly well, and since it was one of my better brush paint jobs I've decided to just preserve that work.  I will most likely attempt to make a new one sometime in the near future and try to make a 1/100 Slash pack for it, as that's what I always wanted on it but Bandai never made on in that scale.

I've repainted over some of the red that had other colors rubbed onto it over the years.  I've also repainted all the gold parts and added grey under the side skirts.