Welcome to Vector Productions

Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

MG Tallgeese EW: WIP Part 3

No pictures today, and not a lot of progress for that matter.  Instead of painting more grey parts what I was able to get done was put down the gloss coat on the parts painted yesterday, and put a layer of flat coat on the head.  This would've completed the head however I accidently knocked down the stem with the head crest on it and got fingerprints in the finish, so I'll have to work on fixing that up this week while I continue work on the torso that I also started today.  Unfortunately vacation is over now so work is going to slow down this week, but I will be continuing work on this (thus far) exceptional Master Grade of a suit I never thought would get the treatment, the Tallgeese!