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Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

RG Destiny Gundam: Review

The Real Grade Destiny Gundam is the second RG kit that I've gotten around to building, and I really don't have a lot of complaints to say about it.  Design wise, it is a very good update to the Destiny model, even more detailed than the MG.  The only complaint I have in this department, and is the common one, is that the feet are way bigger than they should be...and I can't really see a reason why they are so huge.  It's something that could be easily modified with some sanding or perhaps the use of a rotary tool, but it didn't bother me enough to go that far.  These are my thoughts on this kit.  All painting was done with an airbrush.