Welcome to Vector Productions

Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

PG OO Raiser: Day 1

First day of work on the PG OO Gundam is over now, the head is done and I've started work torso, and I am currently at the painting of the pilot stage.  The head was an amazing build, I really enjoyed it, and surprisingly did not take as long as I had anticipated.  Now I put the seals on the inner head part, if you wanted the led to show through then you wouldn't use them.  The only problem with the led gimmick is that the green light shows through the red crest jewel on the forehead, and makes it not look as good, however that could probably be fixed with some paint and I may go back and do that once I finish the rest of the Gundam

Next Project...PG OO Raiser!

Now that the Age Strike is complete (and you can see it in the picture there), it's time to start another project, and in keeping with what seems to be my patterns, since I just finished a custom build it's time to do a straight build.  And this time it's going to be my Perfect Grade OO Raiser, a Christmas present from my wife last year, this will be my first PG model.  I'm pretty excited about this one, at this point I'm currently planning to just make the OO Gundam itself and then save to O Raiser for later but we'll see how I feel about it once the OO Gundam is compeleted.  Being a PG I'm not sure how long to expect it to take me, but if straight building a MG takes me 2 weeks to a month, then I'm expecting a good month solid here at least.  I've already started the head and hope to get most of the way finished with that tonight.  More to come later...Happy 4th!

Monday, July 2, 2012

HG 1/144 AGE-1 Normal (custom build)

GAT-X205A Age Strike Gundam

Finished this up last night!  It's been an interesting build, redoing the torso and using topcoat for the first time in a spray form, but it turned out pretty well!.  There's some things I'd maybe change but perhaps that's the ambition I need to do this in MG next time!  I will update the progress pics later and here's some poses.  Unfortunately my lighting wasn't at peek time when I took these, look for some better ones later this week!