Welcome to Vector Productions

Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

MG 00 Gundam/Raiser: RE Update

As I said before, there wouldn't be many updates on this project and here we are, 00 is as done as it can be for now...  As you can see it is not complete, and that's due to complications along the way, yes complications even though this was a simple "pull it apart and put back together" job.  Now the yellow v-fin was already broken from a cat knocking it off a shelf awhile back, nothing new there.  Everything was going fine until I put the right arm back together after flat coating it, even with only 1 layer it was enough to make the arm unbendable and in an effort to break it loose, well I did just that.  With really no way to fix it, I had no choice but to order new parts, and those will take awhile so this guy is going away for the next month or so while I wait on that.  When the parts come in I'll get him back out, finish it up, and take completed pictures and post them.

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