Welcome to Vector Productions

Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

HGAW Gundam Double X

Greetings, so it's been some time since my last post I noticed...well I've been back and forth working on the MG Dark Hound and HG Masurao since then.  HG Masurao is "done" as off last weekend, however several pieces broke while putting it back together after painting and I became very frustrated with it and haven't touched it since then.  I'll fix it, eventually, but in the meantime I needed something to build and just refresh.  Enter HGAW Gundam Double X!  I've built about 75% of it thus far and just from the build to this point it's a very well done high grade (much better than certain aspects of the Masurao, though I love that mobile suit it's HG kit is not very good)  Anyways, this will basically be a straight OOB paint job on this guy, however building has reignited my thoughts of using it's satellite cannons on the 00 gundam for that custom I've wanted to make, so I'll be having to get another one of these guys here pretty soon!  And, hopefully, now that we have a MG Gundam X (that I'll be getting soon also) a MG Double X will happen this year sometime...*fingers crossed*

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