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Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

MG 00 Gundam/Raiser: Revisited

Tallgeese EW is done now (pics tonight or tomorrow) and I've decided to take some time and retroactively go back and top coat/detail some kits of the past.  Some of these kits will just need washed and then flat coated, others never got panel lined even, so those will be more work.  I'm do this for now mainly while I wait for my friend to start his MG Crossbone X2, at which point I'll be building my MG Dark Hound with him in a sort of build off; given the X2 and DH are parallels it should be an interesting game.
So, first up is the MG 00 Raiser, one of my favorite mobile suits of all time, and we'll be starting with the 00 Gundam itself.  Working from the feet up, I've been disassembling each part, washing them in water and then drying them, and then finally taking them out for a flat coating.  Thus far I'm pretty pleased with the results.  Alclad II is a pretty good product for this.  Anyway, not going to be a lot of posts on this, probably just this one then next will show 00 completely reassembled, then the 0 Raiser and such.  Enjoy!

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