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Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Friday, September 6, 2013

RG Destiny Gundam: Next Project

While I wait to make up mind/am able to get the rest of what I need to remake the Independence, after much debate, I've decided to make the RG Destiny as my next kit!  This will be my second Real Grade and the Destiny being one of my favorite designs this will be a fun build.  Gonna be a pretty straight build, except I'm going to paint the inner silver or chrome like the Master Grade Destiny that came out a few years ago.  It'll be tricky with that pre-assembled frame, but I think if I just do the parts that show it'll be ok, stay tuned.

This is the biggest and thus far my only gripe with this kit and that's that giant blue decal there for the energy shield.  Seriously if the HG version of the Destiny that came out in 2005 could come with a colored energy shield then I'm pretty sure Bandai could've given us a colored version on the Real Grade...

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