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Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

MG Tallgeese EW: WIP Part 2

Finished up all the yellow pieces yesterday, began work on the grey parts this morning.  There's a lotta grey parts that need painted so this is gonna take awhile.  Just like with the yellow, I started by painting all the parts that needed masking and recolored, now I'm going to recolor the ones that don't need masked on a sectional basis, starting with the arms.  Tonight I also painted the pilot/standing figures of Zechs Marquise, not the easiest I've painted but at least both both figures had the same attire.  The rest of tonight/tomorrow I'll be spraying more and more grey and cleaning up the over spray on my already painted parts.

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