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Welcome to Vector Productions
A Gunpla Blog Featuring Custom and Straight Builds!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

MG Tallgeese EW: WIP Part 5

Ok, waited a bit for this post till I had some real progress to show off.  The torso is complete now, as is the waist.  However that can't be completely put together till the legs are done due to the side thrusters connecting to both the waist and the sides of the legs, which I think is a pretty interesting new feature, much like how the thruster pods on the back now connect to the torso and not the shoulder armor!  Anyway as of tonight those sections are done, plus the head though the red crest isn't on there quite yet, will be tomorrow.  The right leg is all panel lined and I just got done flat coating the pieces of that, so I'll check them over tomorrow night and will potentially be able to piece that together.  There are parts of this model that I'm not 100% satisfied with, but at this point I've decided to go with it and I'll fix it at a later date.  This is most apparent on the head of the model, as something happened to it during the curing process and it just looks like a different shade of white now...  Also, since it's been awhile, there's pics below of the half painted shield and other parts as well.  My goal is to have the Tallgeese standing by the end of the weekend at minimum, and ideally an arm or too as well.  Pics below, enjoy!

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